There’s no doubt that 2021 proved to be another interesting year, and that 2022 is off to a tricky start. Yes, the past twelve months and counting have been challenging, however, it did bring some good news. In this spirit, we wanted to provide a boost of Roadmunk serotonin and recap the most memorable features from the past year. Let’s kick things off!
1. Favorite roadmaps 
Sometimes we all could benefit from being more organized. Favoriting roadmaps allows you to quickly find, review, and update your most-used roadmaps without scrolling through a long list. Favorited roadmaps also live in their own separate list on the homepage—the ultimate in easy access!
2. Delete published URLs 
Exporting your roadmap to URL is a fantastic way to share your plan with external stakeholders. But what if you need to destroy that link? Deleting published URLs is a one-click solution to ensure your sensitive roadmap information is protected, safe, and secure.
3. Azure DevOps integration 
Perhaps the biggest release of 2021 was our Azure DevOps integration. Say goodbye to maintaining information in two places and manually updating multiple tools. Say hello to automating your workflows and keeping high-level strategy aligned with daily development.
4. Edit & delete Feedback 
What happens when it gets a bit too crowded in your Feedback Inbox? Or perhaps some of the submissions are unclear? Editing and deleting Feedback is a simple way to achieve an accurate and clean Feedback Inbox full of refined, context-rich, and customer-centric submissions.
5. Field descriptions 
Whoever said “the devil’s in the details” knows the benefit of this feature. Field descriptions allow you to add clarity and context to better distinguish the Fields in your account. At a glance understand the purpose of Fields, add the correct one to your roadmap, and level up your Field management game.
6. Jira Integration improvements 
Our well-loved Jira integration saw some phenomenal advancements this past year. Most notable include:
- Performance improvements - Synchronization times of up to 10x faster with an increased data transfer rate of up to 50x
- Support for additional Field types - Examples include cascade select list fields and date/time fields
7. Lock roadmap formatting 
We’ve all been there. You’re about to present your roadmap and unexpected formatting changes take you by surprise. With the ability to lock roadmap formatting, have confidence that the look and feel of your roadmap will be protected, and don’t think twice about your view changing. Now go crush that presentation!
8. Edit & delete users 
Administrative headaches get even the best of us. In an attempt to smooth out user management tasks, Account Admins can edit & delete users within Roadmunk themselves! Enjoy the control of changing a name, an email address, or completely removing teammates.
9. Field ordering in the Item Card 
Any seasoned roadmapper knows that not all Fields are equal. With the ability to rearrange the Field order on the Item Card, you can drag your most important Fields to the top, move related Fields close together, or choose any order that makes sense for your workflow.
10. Feedback Portal 
“The more the merrier” couldn’t ring more true for our Feedback Portal. Offering a frictionless solution to customers, external stakeholders, and internal teams, the portal opens a door to a streamlined feedback collection process where any audience can communicate directly with your product team.
There we have it! Whether you’re a brand new user or a veteran with Roadmunk, we hope this serves as an exciting reminder of ways to enhance your roadmapping experience (bonus points if you’re already using some of these features!). There’s also been a handful of smaller enhancements that didn’t make the list, so definitely check out our Product Updates page for the full lineup of Roadmunk awesomeness.
Thanks for reading! We have big plans for 2022, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more exciting features coming this year.